So the two Humans went along with their lives. They directed the animals and helped till the plants and soil. They also never stopped loving each other and resented the tasks that would separate them. They made a game of naming every animal and every plant they came across, and were careful to report these back to God when he came to see them every day for updates. As far as Man and Woman knew, nothing could be much better, and certainly nothing could be much worse. They instinctively rationed what they ate, and in turn it seemed like the land gave them the ability to wander around without insult or injury.

This lasted them for what felt like years. God was clear to always tell them it was just months, but they insisted that if they ever had children, they were the authority before God, so it has been years in Human terms. Then one day when Woman was out tending to some weeds near the orange land she heard a noise that she hadn't heard before. It sounded like it was beckoning her to it, but as the noise was coming from an animal across the border she could not come.

A few weeks passed of her tending to these weeds and hearing this noise. Then one evening she got fed up with it, and walked over to it, where she proceeded to ask it what it wanted from her. Woman couldn't refer to this creature by name as she hadn't ever seen it before, but she still managed to grab its attention. All it wanted was for her to follow it to where it lived and take in the sights of how beautiful the off-limits areas of this wonderful globe are. She was so excited about seeing these new things that she lost track of time. Right before she stepped back over the border she saw Man and God walking towards where she had been weeding, probably wondering what she was up to.


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