However, a disturbing noise woke God up early the next morning, this noise was coming from the animals he'd crafted the day before. So God had to create one final creature to coexist on this globe with all the animals and plants. This creature he formed out of the remaining clay, some of the gray and orange clay, as well as a speck of his own blood. This creature he named Man, and its job would be to manage all the animals that in turn assist him in managing the plants. Upon placing Man on the globe God instructed him in the ways to manage the animals and plants. He also gave Man the freedom to go anywhere within the green areas and eat from any of his subordinate creations. In instructing Man God created a home for him that doubled as his example of what God wanted Man to get the globe to be like.

It was after a few days of observing Man's management work that God realized the one thing man was missing. Man was lonely, and desired a partner. This partner would be for pleasure first, and assisting in the management second. God took a nap so that when Man was sleeping God would have the energy to split away some of ManŐs heart and from that alone form Man a partner. This partner was not formed in exactly the same way, and as such God named her Woman. But as these two were alike, he came up with the overarching name Human to encompass them both as one creature.

That following morning, when Man awoke to Woman standing by his side God decided it was time to tell Woman of the one rule God had previously told Man, with one addition. God said: "You both are free to roam the land you can see with your eyes from this spot, and others that you cannot see, but when you come to the gray or orange lands you must not set foot on them. You may submerge yourselves in the waters, but must make sure to leave at least one finger or two on the green lands. Disobey these simple boundary rules and you will no longer be in my favor. All else I permit, and even encourage, you to do."


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