Upon seeing her there Man was scared for what this punishment God had warned of a few years back would be. God's initial response was to knock Man over and stand on his chest so he couldn't get up. Then he threw Woman down with wind from his breath like he'd never done before. Afterwards he said: "You seem to have disobeyed the one rule I gave you, therefore you've sinned. If you followed it you'd have a home and my favor. Seeing as you broke it is only right for me to break your home on my way home tonight. Don't expect my help again, but expect to be unable to die until you've ensured a healthy rate of reproduction amongst all plants, animals, and humans." With that he walked off across the green land and seemed to drag down the trees and other plants with him.

"Great, now look at the trouble you caused." was the last thing Woman heard Man say before he stalked off to assess the remnants of their home. Woman looked at the place where she'd walked while standing still and sinking from the weight of her body on the unsecure orange land. She could barely believe what had just happened, but knew that she just condemned the entire globe to an uncertain and dangerous future. She alone gave birth to sin, and she alone would give birth to its brother and sister humans, for whom God will not look upon and who would never be as clean as she and Man both were just hours earlier.


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