A fulfilling job that matches both my skills and interest as well as makes our society a better place. This would be a career centering on something connected to peace-building that uses software/web development skills.
Bachelor of Arts, Saint John’s University, Collegeville, MN, May 2014
Major: Peace Studies, Social Science concentration; focused on confluence of modern technology with nonviolent means, theory, and practice
GPA: 3.34 / Dean’s List
Developer, January 2016-present
Tenseg LLC
My primary responsibilities are working as a technology consultant on a number of Tenseg’s clients and as a software developer aiding in the mobile apps Tenseg puts out.
Tenseg LLC was formed as a formalization of my existing consulting business.
Independent Consultant, May 2014-January 2016
Self-Employed & Freelance
Right out of college I joined my father in doing a number of independent technology consulting projects. Clients include the Religious Education Association, Edible Cleveland, and I also did some work for Interfaith Action of Greater Saint Paul (formerly Saint Paul Area Council of Churches).
Web Assistant, February 2014-May 2014
School of Theology, Saint John’s University
My primary responsibility was to do whatever assignments I was given to help manage the website and blog for the School of Theology at Saint John’s University.
Sustainability Student Web Presence Manager, September 2013-May 2014
SJU Office of Sustainability, Saint John’s University
My primary responsibility was maintaining the public CSB/SJU website for the SJU Office of Sustainability. I also helped in the general operations of the office.
Web Development Intern, May 2013-August 2013
Saint Paul Area Council of Churches
My primary responsibility was building a blog to go along with their redesigned website. I assisted where needed elsewhere in the office, and trained staff in the use of the blog.
Summer Intern, June 2010-August 2010
Project-based Learning Systems LLC
My primary responsibility was the development of an iOS app for their Project Foundry service. The app would function independent of the service, but they never released it as far as I know.