Docker and Visual Studio Code for Local WordPress Development

/ 24 February 2017

Last night Eric and I gave a presentation at our local WordPress user group, MSPWP, about using Docker to run WordPress sites locally for development purposes. Running local copies of WordPress is the kind of thing we do for all of our client websites to be able to mess around with everything while developing themes and plugins without affecting the live websites (each of us have our own copies of each site, and we then use the remote Git repos the themes and plugins are in to get the code between our Macs and on the live websites, for those who are interested). We had only started playing with Docker about a week and a half earlier, but within 2 hours had been convinced that this was the future of running local development copies of websites. It has been a fascinating week and a half learning about this technology while in the midst of real client work. I posted the notes from our presentation, which are in the form of a tutorial, over on the Tenseg website for those who are interested.
