iWork v9.0.2 Released
Earlier this afternoon Apple sent all it’s purchasers of the iWork ‘09 software suite their second update, v9.0.2. As I’m not installing this new update until Saturday post-backup (for clear reasons) I can’t give you a firsthand rundown of what has changed. However, the Apple Support website says the following about this update:
This update improves reliability when saving some iWork documents and when playing some presentations more than once per Keynote session. This update is recommended for all users of iWork '09.
From that sparse description I can only hope that this update may fix the one serious annoyance that I’ve been having with Keynote ‘09 given what they say about playing presentations. On more than just a few occasions Keynote has taken a long time to show the presentation when I click the Play button. Long enough that instead of displaying the keynote it just reboots my MacBook! Hopefully that serious bug gets fixed when I install this update! Anyway, the update is 42.75 MB and doesn’t require a reboot. Enjoy, Alex.