A Bunch Of Quartz Composer Plugins
This morning I stumbled across Kineme.net, a website full of plugins for Apple’s Quartz Composer development tool. These include ones for physical device input (enhanced iSight, Wiimote, and the like) as well as many software-based patches. In total I ended up downloading and installing 9 patches from their site. It is important to read their installation instructions before you manually install any of their plugins because they’re supposed to go in one place on Tiger, and another on Leopard that is not there with a default Upgrade installation to Leopard from Tiger. They also give away the custom Xcode template they use to make these plugins. I also found two plugins for Quartz Composer on Google Code (one for the Ambient Light Sensor, and one for the Sudden Motion Sensor). Overall these plugins are a neat addition to the already powerfully cool Quartz Composer application. Enjoy, Alex.