SuperDuper! 2.5 Released!!

/ 5 February 2008

Today Shirt Pocket released the long-anticipated new release/ update to SuperDuper!. Version 2.5 brings about 10.5 Leopard support and many other useful additions. SuperDuper! 2.5 is designed to let you store a bootable Smart Update-ed backup on the same volume as a Time Machine archive. as well as the easy migration of a Time Machine archive from one disk to another. The side-by-side nature of SuperDuper! v2.5 allows us to have a backup solution involving SuperDuper! being used to backup everything on our mac (fully bootable backup) and use Time Machine purely for our user data so we have the simple and useful interface for restoring documents, contacts, photos, and emails. But if our macs whole internal/ boot disk fails we have a quick way to get back to work. That basic backup solution (involving a fully bootable backup with SuperDuper! and all but system files with Time Machine) is what I’ll likely spend some of Friday setting up. You can read their Press Release or just directly download the new version. Enjoy, Alex.
