First Real Snowstorm Of The Season
Today in the Twin Cities it has been snowing almost all day. It looks quite pretty now (though it is nearly impossible to drive). It should get to be a few (maybe 6??) inches, but it is already enough to overlay the true start of the wintery season. We took the time to shovel a little bit before we went to Whole Foods to pick up a few things we needed. In this single day we’ve also caught more squirrels than we ever have before in a 24-hour period, it’s like they think the trap will be warmer than the outside! We caught at least 3 before Eric “closed” the traps because of how dangerous it is to drive. At the moment Mary is in Europe (visiting Oma and a work trip) so she’s missing out on this storm, but we all hope (especially her) that at least some of the snow is still on the ground when she gets home on Friday. If none is, however, we did take pictures of the snow to show her. It does feel a bit more like December/ the holiday season/ the second quarter of school now that there has been some snow that has stuck to the ground. Enjoy, Alex.