And What Comes Next
We’ve been home for a few days now and in some ways we feel more at home here again (though we still have to get over jet-lag). So it is now time to turn away from the root tension that was part of the last 6 moths and start to think only of the good memories of that time. Our house is now less empty and alien to us than it was when we first arrived back. So thanks Oma!! Thanks for giving us most of your house in return for us being able to keep you company and help you with daily tasks.
For those who may want to know: This “6-month Austria” category will remain here as a memory of the trip and as a way to quickly get back to the entries that directly concern/ mention it. In the future I may post blog posts under (or partly under) this category if they do connect up to it. Otherwise this is the final post in this category.
Enjoy, Alex.