Seeing The Other Side Of iTunes

/ 14 July 2007

Today at a museum that we went to I noticed that a computer that was part of an exhibit had iTunes as it’s frontmost application. Now that computer was (of course, for museums) running a version of Windows. That meant that I got to quickly glance at iTunes running on a Windows machine. It was really interesting to see how Apple handled the requirements and limitations of Windows while still holding up the “Leopard-like” iTunes interface. For an odd reason iTunes wouldn’t play music, the interface showed this, so it wasn’t a sound problem. I tried to find a version number for iTunes (I know it ought to be 7.?.?) to see if it may be a bug in the porting over to Windows, but to no avail. Really, it was just cool to see one of the few deeply-connected applications on Mac OS X 10.4+ running (well?) on a computer running some version of Windows. The thing that really stuck out to me about the Windows iTunes is how Apple had to incorporate the menubar for iTunes into the top (toolbar in OS X) of the iTunes window. Enjoy the end of your week, Alex.
