Week Of Peace And Quiet Is Over

/ 5 July 2007

This morning Eric and Nathaniel got back from their trip to Venice, Italy. Though I know that we only have 3 weeks of school left then 1.5 weeks of vacation then we head back to St. Paul, I know that the annoyances that Nathaniel has had with me the past month or so can’t be over for the rest of our time here. I can always hope, but it just won’t come to be the same as it was the first few weeks of being here back in February.

I didn’t even accomplish everything that I had wanted to during the week that Eric and Nathaniel were in Italy. Sure I made sure that my NXT could properly talk with my MacBook, and I did manage to take the entire robot apart into single pieces so all my legos are packed and ready for the trip back home. I also did get Mary quite comfortable with using my MacBook under Front Row with it’s Apple Remote. But one of the things that I wanted to do was copy down the S/N to Eric’s MacBook battery so we could have it in an easier place, and I never managed to do that.

Even if Nathaniel starts annoying me the same way that he had been before they left for Italy, it is nice to have a more full household again. It felt quite empty with just Mary, Oma, and I here each day. Sure Mary will miss not needing to yell at Nathaniel right before she goes to sleep, and sure she’ll also miss being able to play music from my MacBook since Nathaniel will no doubt be doing something that involves noise during my baths. But it will still be nice to simply have two more people around again.

All in all, Mary and I enjoyed the week we had alone here together (Oma stays out of the way enough that she doesn’t count as much in these kinds of things), but I think it’s about time we get back together and enjoy the last few weeks (well, to be exact the last 4.5 to 5 weeks) we have here.

I’m quite glad that we could have this time separated (Nathaniel and I) to help us regenerate our feelings towards each other and rethink our ways to cope with being around each other. Enjoy your day, Alex.
