More Of A Structured Day
Due to two different things that have happened Eric and I came up with a great plan for the first chunk of the afternoon. The plan is that we’ll have a 1.5 hour long study hall each weekday afternoon to help with homework and to plainly have a more structured afternoon all around. The first thing (of two things) was that Eric most simply has gotten better at assigning homework and so Nathaniel and I have more of it this quarter. The second thing is that I simply can’t easily handle a whole weekday afternoon without the structure and would very much prefer real school fromm 9 am to 3 pm. In this current plan we’d end school at 1:00 pm to eat lunch and at 2:00 pm start the 1.5 hour study hall that will go until 3:30 pm. The key thing that Eric and I will need to get into the habit of with this new Study Hall/ quit-organized time in the classroom is keeping our MacBooks down there though lunch (not bringing them up with us). Given that during the Study Hall time Eric will let us have peaceful and quit music going it’s also making me bring my Apple Remote down to the classroom to help control iTunes for the music during the Study Hall (either via the normal mini-controller interface w/ the remote if I need my mac at the moment or via Front Row if I don’t need my mac for the homework that I’m doing at the moment). Genießen, Alex