Essay Comparing My Two Rooms

/ 8 June 2007

Here is an essay that I wrote for English class that compares my two rooms, the one here in Vienna and the one back in St. Paul. The essay is in the extended body because of how long it is. A Comparison Of My Room Back In Saint Paul To My Room Here In Vienna, Austria By: Alexander Theodore Celeste 070608

My two rooms are in separate countries and are very very different. That means that though this is supposed to be a compare-contrast essay it will come out more like a contrast essay than a compare-contrast essay. I've decided to order the essay so the second paragraph is the contrasting and the third is the comparing. I hope that you enjoy and understand this simple comparison between my room in St. Paul, MN and my room in Vienna, Austria.

The clearest thing that is different between my room in Vienna and my room in St. Paul is that I share a room with my little brother, Nathaniel, here and I have my own room in St. Paul. From there you will note that my room here in Vienna is smaller than my room in St. Paul. The next thing that I notice is that my room in St. Paul is much brighter (both during the day and at night) than my room in Vienna is. This is primarily because there is just one window in my room here in Vienna, but two windows in my room in St. Paul. The other things that make my room in St. Paul brighter are that there are brighter overhead lights in that room than there are in my room in Vienna. But at night what makes my room in St. Paul brighter than my room here in Vienna is that my laptop lives in my room where as in Vienna my laptop is living in my parents room. You then may note that my room in Vienna is much emptier than my room in St. Paul is. That's primarily because the only uses I have for my room in Vienna is to sleep in it and as a convenient storage location. Whereas my room in St. Paul has virtually all my stuff in it and I spend most of time in my room in St. Paul. You may then glance at the walls, the walls in my room in Vienna has lots of pictures of Oma's and various other posters she has bought and liked along the walls. On the walls in my room back in St. Paul I have almost nothing hanging or taped to them, they are mostly blank white walls. Most of what is on the walls of my room in St. Paul are things that I have made (paintings, drawings, etc.). After noting the state of the walls in my room in Vienna you'll likely note that there aren't many bookshelves (or shelves of any kind). Whereas in my room in St. Paul you'll see a white book shelf right as you walk in and then on the far side of my room see a black shelf that I use primarily as storage. After looking at the lack of shelves in my room here in Vienna you'll see that the two beds in my room (one for Nathaniel and one for me) are fairly small when compared to my bed in St. Paul. The last thing that you will note that is different between my room here in Vienna and my room back in St. Paul is that there is a sink in my room here in Vienna and there definitely is not a sink in my room back in St. Paul. That is my full listing of differences between my room back in St. Paul and my room here in Vienna. Next will come the shorter listing of what's the same (or close to the same) between my room here in Vienna and my room back in St. Paul.

As I mentioned above this paragraph of what's similar should take less time for you, the reader, to read though so you understand it. To start out this list I'll mention the obvious points. First off, it's my room. Secondly, I sleep in the room. Thirdly, my clothes live in a closet in the room. Now that short list was easy, but here is what's a bit harder to see and notice that they are the same. The first note of harder to note similarities are that my time is divided into chunks. One of which (about 40% of my time per day) is spent sleeping. Naturally that time needs to be spent in my room. Now that percentage is added with about another 10% of my time for fun and enjoyment that is spent in my parents room or outside here, but is spent in my own room back in St. Paul. Therefore 40% of my time is in my own room here whereas 50% of my time is spent in my own room back in St. Paul.

There, that was my compare-contrast between my two rooms. When and if you want to talk technical about my two rooms there is no room of mine in Vienna, but rather a room I share and I don't consider it my room. I hope that I've made some clear points about how the two rooms of mine are similar and different. As well, I hope that you have enjoyed reading and understanding this essay. Enjoy, Alex