Holiday Comparison
In Geography class today I spent some time comparing the holidays of the USA to the holidays of Austria. Among other things I learned that most holidays in the States are political and most holidays here in Austria are religious. I also learned that there are slightly more official/ national holidays in Austria than there are in the USA. Here is my full list partially based on the embassy’s list:
USA Holidays ´Ossteriech Holidays New Years {?} New Years {?} Martin Luther King Day {$} Epiphany {✝} Washington’s Birthday {$} Easter Monday {✝} Memorial Day {$} 1. Mai {€} Independence Day {$} Ascension Day {✝} Labor Day {$} Whitmonday {✝} Columbus Day {$} Corpus Christi Day {✝} Veterans Day {$} Assumption Day {✝} Thanksgiving {$} National Day {€} Christmas Day {✝} All Saints Day {✝} Immaculate Conception {✝} Christmas Day {✝} St. Stephen’s Day {✝}
The symbols after the names show what type the holiday is, “no idea”, “political”, or “religious”.