Daylight Savings Time Update?
Though I didn’t take the 3 needed software updates since I don’t yet have a breitband wifi internet connection (though we did receive a note to be on the look-out for a modem) I did look for what updates were needed. Those are as follows: 1. Java (5.0) update, a simple update to Apple’s Java implementation; 2. Security Update, updates the CoreServices, iChat, and UserNotifications elements of the system, that update requires a restart; 3. Daylight Savings Time Update, updates the implementation for daylight savings time to comply with the new rules and regulations about daylight savings time. Now, I heard that back in the 10.4.7 release they fixed this, why do they now have this update? It seems really interesting that they have this Below is the info Apple gives for this interesting update:
Have a great time, Alex