Universal 10.5, May Have Some Nice Advantages
The fact that all of 10.5 is supposedly going to be Universal (and therefore the kexts as well, but Apple knows what they’re up to) may have some lasting advantages on those of us with older macs. The first I’d like to put out there is that, well, there’ll only be one set kernel extensions, and that may (without Apple even knowing it) give all of us built-in scrolling trackpads. So, for those of us currently using iScroll, or any other scrolling driver for the older mac laptops, we will be able to (and will) test to see if our trackpads can scroll within 10.5 Leopard, but should really look in the kext folder to do so to see if we can without the kext file of our current driver installed. If we can, great, thanks goes to Apple! If we can’t (and after reinstalling all else), we can (if wanted), could test to see if the kext works under Leopard be reinstalling it ourselves. Another advantages is that we’d be able to cross-install, meaning give family/ friends copies of parts of our system folder without needing to worry about what type of build (PPC, or Intel) the files are. One last note while I still have the kexts on everyones mind, if we install 10.5.x over 10.4.x, then our current array of kexts may just be updated, not any of them deleted, thus leaving us with the current scroll driver running under Leopard from the start, just being there like a natural part of the system as it is today under 10.4.x.