Exactly One Month Left

/ 14 January 2007

I haven’t mentioned this AT ALL yet on my blog, but on Valentines Day (Feb. 14th) my family and I are leaving for a 6-month trip to Austria to spend time with my great-grandmother. My brother and I will be home-schooled by my dad who’s leaving his job when we leave, and my mom (who’s on sabbatical) will be doing lots of work of her own. During the trip I’ll be using this blog as a journal to keep in contact with friends, family, and teachers who are back here. This is in fact the only blog entry on this massive topic that will not be under the soon-to-be category of “6-month Austria”. Just a note, while in Austria I’ll still blog a lot on Mac OS X (10.5 will come out while I’m there) and the Lego Mindstorms NXT (which I’m taking with me). From Feb. 14th though Aug. you’ll see many many many entries on the trip and my experiences. Thanks for reading my blog, Alex.
