Problematic Code Issue

/ 23 August 2006

I read on a NXT-oriented blog of a motor code block issue. That issue is this, if you add any motor block, and set the time to “unlimited” it will run for about 1.5 spins, and then stop! The only way (and I verified all this) to get it to spin “unlimited” is to put it in an infinity loop. Those of you up for the challenge, I’d like you to try and recreate this issue on your own bricks, post your results in the comments on this entry, tell me what system your running (windows or mac) and what firmware you’re NXT is running (1.01 or 1.03). I don’t know what system the original issue-finder is running, but I can compile my own results and possibly ask lego to change it in future updates. Thanks, and good luck.
