The First Week Of 8th Grade
The first week of 8th grade for me was, in fact, nothing like school will normally be. We spent the first half hour doing homeroom (that’s normal). Buit then we split into two groups, new to Crosswinds, and returning students. That was for the whole morning till lunch. I (being a returning student) was in the downstairs area of the house and learned about how to be a leader. During the last half of the last quarter of 7th grade I had a class that was the beginning of the leadership class that the whole morning was. Then I had lunch at 11:45 and afterwards at 12:20 met with other homerooms to meet the kids in those homerooms. Then at 1:00 I had one of the four core classes to get used to the room arrangement (those classes are Language Arts, Math, Social Studies and Science). I had those in the order I mentioned them (one a day). Then at 2:27 I went to my Sky classes. Those are Spanish, Gym, and Classical Art. The way those work, however, is either Spanish or Gym, then Classical art. The first day I had Spanish instead of Gym. The second day I had Gym. Then after school I got on my bus (route 241) for an hour bus ride to get back home. I get home around 5:10 each and every day. School ends at 3:55, the busses leave at 4:00. But the next weeks and weeks of school will be on the normal schedule and with, therefore, a set routine of the classes. had those classes in the order to