Hi! I'm 5 years old. My name is Alexander (or Zander or Z) and my daddy is Eric and my mommy is Mary. I had a rough birth and so my parents read a mailing list called Our-Kids a lot.
When I was 3 years old I wrote a book about The Airport.
I like rebuilding the track every day. I call then the Green Line even though they are really Brio tracks my grandmother got for me.
I like how Pajama Sam goes in loopdy loops with Xing. And I like other Humongous friends like Putt Putt (especially on the rocket to the moon) and Fatty Bear (making cake).
It is fun how the Magic School Bus turns into a submarine in Ups and Downs.
I go see the "Tokyo Train" in the Childrens' Museum with my parents.
I like helping to cook.
I take baths with a crazy dump bucket every day.
I go to kindergarten at the Josiah Quincy School and like my teachers like Ms. Wilson, Ms. Cavenaugh, and Ms. Kuppy.
I had lots of dreams last night. Before sleeping I have my mommy or daddy read me books like Thomas the Tank Engine.
Thanks for visiting!
Last updated on 21 October 1997 by Eric Celeste .