Email Sender Naming

/ 22 April 2007

Those of us that use to do email and use Address to store our contacts know that when an email is received from someone who’s in our contact list it will show the name of that person from their entry in your contact list and not their actual email address. This is quite nice for many reasons. You may also have noticed that it will show the persons picture from AB in the top right-hand corner of the email and show the iChat status by the “From” line. On some fairly rare occasions the name of the sender may be overridden by his/ her email app and/ or service. In those cases the picture and iChat status will still be displayed. If can display that information why can’t it add your name for the sender instead of following what the sender’s service says? It just gets annoying for me when a friend or teachers name is not their real name due to the service they use.
