The First Few Weeks Of School

/ 24 September 2004

When I first stepped into Crosswinds on Tuesday Sept. 6 I was scarred since I knew only 45% of everyone that was in that opening area. The other 15% were new students to Crosswinds and therefore I didn’t know them as well as I knew the kids that were my classmates last school year. Not to mention I still had a cast on from the surgery that I had on Aug. 10. Though I was being picked up from school to get it off later that day, I still worried about being at school with it on. A week later I was more used to both my schedule and the new students. I also got to know my new math teacher well by then. Now it is past two weeks into school and I’m quite confident with my schedule (that I know it at any rate) and with the new kids. I also have an idea for what the first quarter will be like.
